MAKE A WISH – Farm Animals Candle Set

Farm Animals Candle Set


Add the perfect finishing touch to any little farmer’s birthday bake.

This candle set is perfect for any birthday cake theme, ready to be placed straight on the cake for wish-making! Ideal for first birthday cakes or Old MacDonald’ fans. E-I-E-I-O!

The pack includes 4 candles, including a pig, cow, chicken and goat.

Candles measure approximately 16.5cm x 7.5cm x 1.2cm

Original price was: £4.50.Current price is: £3.89.

Add the perfect finishing touch to any little farmer’s birthday bake.

This candle set is perfect for any birthday cake theme, ready to be placed straight on the cake for wish-making! Ideal for first birthday cakes or Old MacDonald’ fans. E-I-E-I-O!

The pack includes 4 candles, including a pig, cow, chicken and goat.

Candles measure approximately 16.5cm x 7.5cm x 1.2cm

Safety Information:
Not suitable for children under 3 years. Adult supervision recommended. Keep out of reach of children and pets. Never leave live flames unattended. Place candles at least 2.5cm apart before lighting. Do not burn candle on/near anything that can catch fire. To avoid injury, do not move candle while lit Ensure all spikes/holders are removed before consuming the cake. Ensure candle is fully extinguished after use.


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