ANNIVERSARY HOUSE – Dino Party Pick Candles x 5

Dino Party Pick Candles x 5


Create roarsome birthday cakes with these adorable dino candles.

These dinky dinosaur candles, donning their party hats, make a cute addition to any birthday cake. Simply insert into the top of your finished cake and allow the birthday boy or girl to make a wish.

Pack includes 5 candles of varying design.

Each candle measures approximately 7.3cm tall.

Original price was: £2.50.Current price is: £2.05.

Create roarsome birthday cakes with these adorable dino candles.

These dinky dinosaur candles, donning their party hats, make a cute addition to any birthday cake. Simply insert into the top of your finished cake and allow the birthday boy or girl to make a wish.

Pack includes 5 candles of varying design.

Each candle measures approximately 7.3cm tall.


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