Super Tall White Extra Deep Premium Cake Boxes


Super Tall Cake Boxes

Have you cooked up an extravagant and tall cake for your next celebration? Now you don’t need to worry about transporting your finished masterpiece with our super tall cake box from Cake Craft Company. This extra-deep, premium-quality cake box arrives in a range of size options, from 6 inches all the way to 14 inches. Including our most popular 10-inch and 12-inch options.

Perfectly sized to suit the needs of the contemporary, multi-layered cake design that is hugely popular at the moment. You can trust our premium super tall cake box to house and transport your sweat treats safely and efficiently. Each tall cake box also folds down at the side, allowing you to easily remove your cake from the box without disturbing the icing or decoration.


6"x6"x10" (15.2cm), 8"x8"x10" (20.3cm), 10"x10"x12" (25.4cm), 12"x12"x14" (30.5cm), 14"x14"x12" (35.6cm)


Single, Pack of 10, Bulk Box of 50


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