SPECTRUM FLOW – High Shine Confectioners Brush Glaze

High Shine Confectioners Brush Glaze


Create the ultimate shine.

Spectrum Flow High Shine Confectioner’s Brush Glaze will give a high shine to your sugar creations. Perfect for use on sugar flowers, models and other edible items.

Ethanol, Coating Agent: Shellac (E904)

Allergen Information:
May contain traces of MILKSOYA, NUTS and SULPHITES.


Please note, this product is currently unavailable to send to countries via airmail to countries outside the EU due to shipping restrictions.

Create the ultimate shine.

Spectrum Flow High Shine Confectioner’s Brush Glaze will give a high shine to your sugar creations. Perfect for use on sugar flowers, models and other edible items.

Spectrum Flow High Shine Confectioner’s Brush Glaze can be used by painting the glaze onto your decorations. It can also be mixed with edible dusts to create a glossy paint.

It is also ideal for marble cakes. Simply pour the glaze over the top of your cake, ensuring that it is completely covered, and you will get that marble shine that is so sought after. The glaze can be used on a whole range of different edible mediums and treats from sugarpaste and modelling paste to candies, cookies and more. It will seal in the quality of your work and provide a shine like no other!

Available in bottles of 50ml and 100ml.

Ethanol, Coating Agent: Shellac (E904)

Allergen Information:
May contain traces of MILKSOYA, NUTS and SULPHITES.

Nutritional Information:
Per 100g:
Energy: 2241kj/534kcal
Salt: 0.07g
Fat, saturates, carbohydrates, sugars, protein: negligible amount


50ml, 100ml


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