MAKE A WISH – Wedding Family Cake Topper

Wedding Family Cake Topper


Top off the most gorgeous wedding cakes with this Wedding Family Cake Topper.

Available in white, black and silver glitter acrylic as well as a wood finish, there is a topper available to suit any wedding celebration.

The topper design features a newly married couple with their two children, an adorable scene for the top of a cake.

To use the topper, hold it at the base of the topper design and gently push it into your cake until the stick part touches the board.

Original price was: £10.99.Current price is: £7.94.

Top off the most gorgeous wedding cakes with this Wedding Family Cake Topper.

Available in white, black and silver glitter acrylic as well as a wood finish, there is a topper available to suit any wedding celebration.

The topper design features a newly married couple with their two children, an adorable scene for the top of a cake.

To use the topper, hold it at the base of the topper design and gently push it into your cake until the stick part touches the board. If you have a deep tiered cake or wish to have the topper sticking out further, push the topper into the cake to the desired height, making sure the topper does not wobble. DO NOT force the topper into your cake as this may cause damage to the topper or your cake.

As with any none edible topper you add to your cake, we would recommend that you coat the parts touching the cake with Safety Seal to make it food safe. In this case you can dip the stick part of the topper in Safety Seal.

The topper design measures approximately: L: 12cm x H: 12.7cm

The stick part measures approximately: H: 6cm

Please note that our wooden cake toppers may occupy a slight burnt smell. This is due to the manufacturing of the product as each topper is laser cut to ensure accuracy. We can confirm they are food safe and won’t cause any issues regarding use.


Birch Effect Wood, Black Acrylic, Silver Glitter Acrylic, White Acrylic


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