Callebaut Milk Chocolate – 2.5kg

Original price was: £35.99.Current price is: £34.99.

Availability: 2 in stock

Milk chocolate couverture is used in professional kitchens as the chocolate pieces can be heated quickly, easily and consistently. The chocolate is pre-tempered and, being couverture chocolate, has a over a 31% fat content. This ensures a quality, glossy chocolate which has a clean ‘snap’. Take care when melting the milk chocolate couverture –  if heated above 31 degrees celius it may need to be tempered again to set perfectly. To avoid this simply melt the milk couverture chocolate slowly over a bain-marie stirring regularly until melted.

The milk chocolate couverture has well-rounded cocoa and caramel flavours, with rich, creamy notes –  minimum 33.6% cocoa solids. The all-purpose milk chocolate can be moulded, drizzled, coated and dipped, with the rich flavours working especially well in truffles, cheesecakes, mousses and ice cream.


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